my nyc word vomit

Monday, May 11, 2009

bway show reviews/central park jogging/losing weight/being set up

notice how the title line tells you what im going to write about. you would think that i do this for you, the readers, but i actually do it more so for myself otherwise i would forget why i started writing the blog in the first place. so, with that said, lets begin.

Over the last few weeks ive had the pleasure of seeing a couple of shows on broadway. Mamma Mia! is no longer having a tuesday night show, so im able to go to the other houses that TRC works with and with the help of my manager i can go and work those shows and see them for free! West Side Story was not one of these cases but it is the first one that i saw since i was last on here. I really enjoyed this production. Going in, i knew what i had to look for: The Dancing. This choreography was genious in its original production and in the film so it only made sense that they would honor it in the productions revival. Karen Olivo was truly a joy to see. The other leading actors were outstanding and completely delivered this american classic.

After that, i went to go see Exit the King at the Barrymore Theatre. I was not familiar with the play but i was familiar with the playwright and i got to say this script was one of his most realistic and poetic scripts and stories. Geoffrey Rush is to die for in this show. He absolutely embodies this lunatic of a king and delivers a tour de force performance. from beginning to end, the entire cast manages to keep you on the edge of your seat even though you already know what is going to happen at the end, the king will die. Susan Sarandon is beautiful and poised. I was very impressed with Lauren Ambrose, i hadnt seen her since six feet under and she was marvelous. Andrea Martin was hilarious!!!! so great!!

Now the real kicker is at the Imperial theatre, where Billy Elliot: The Musical is playing. This show is out of this world. The Acting, The singing, The songs, the dancing, the sets, lighting, ETC. this show will be on bway for ever! its unbelievable. must see. i have to say its in the top 5 shows ive seen on bway.

then last week i saw Blithe Spirit at the Shubert Theatre. the show is of course hilarious and classic but what i really wanted to see was the legend that is Angela Lansbury. This 4 tony award winning actress is an angel. only 80-something years young, this true thespian delivers spot on every joke, every look, every move that Madame Arcati is supposed to bring to the show. A true honor to see her. A class act too, Ms. Lansbury didnt couldnt come out to the stage door for it was raining, but she left signed playbills for us true fans who waited. Christine Ebersole was beautiful and also hilarious. Rupert was fantastic and he did come to sign my playbill. so nice and humble. loved it.

Tomorrow i am going to see Next To Normal, a new musical at the Booth Theatre. Im really excited to see what everyones been talking about.

The last few weeks ive also gone jogging in central park in the afternoons once or twice a week. i love the way i feel afterwards and i have noticed the small amount of weight ive lost already.. its not much but i hope that by the end of the summer i will be uber fit and within my ideal weight.

I also went to see Star Trek with Jaron and Yil (who wants to set me up with his friend Michael who lives in LA) The movie was fantastic. so entertaining and funny. i loved it! it went by fast and it made me feel all nerdy inside.

in the next blog i will talk about what i thought about next to normal and hair, which i will see with my friends Brittini and Robbie next week. i love this city.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


who wouldve known that jane fonda twitters? i saw her interview on the view where she talked about the new play on broadway that she is in, 33 variations (cant wait to see it) and she mentioned that she keeps up with twitter. i remembered that i had created an account months ago but because nobody talked about it, i never kept up with it nor tried to find people i knew. obviously if youre reading this is because you found it on my twitter and youre a better person for having it. haha.

my bday is on friday and the gang is going to fight jets style at the palace theatre where we will see the much awaited revival of west side story. i couldnt tell you how excited i am about this production and how much i need to see a great show. last production i saw was the american plan with the phenomenal mercedes ruehl. the show was a real success from actors to director to the play itself. fantastic. robbie and jill went to see billy elliot last wednesday and they loved it so much robbie is willing to go with me again when i see it. on my list are 33 variations, exit the king, billy elliot and i guess, hair! its never been my favorite musical but this production is getting amazing reviews and i guess i will have to see it. who knows i might love it.

on to sad news, robbie and i will not be moving to the village in june after all. the timing was incredibly wrong for us. damn. oh well we'll get over it and we will find another amazing apt when we are ready to move. for now, these queens will stay in queens. no prob. i love this apt and love kew gardens. so quiet and peaceful.

alright gotta go.
muah. luis.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

into the wild

every once in a while i watch a great film that i shouldve watched sooner. this time it was into the wild. i dont know what kept from watching it. everybody i know that has seen this film raved about it. i love emile, catherine keener, marcia gay harden. so why? why? if you have seen it you may continue reading this post. but if you havent. please go get it, netflix it whatever you must do and watch it (then come back and read this)

i can go on and on about how much i love this movie but im not gonna write about the acting/directing/cinematography today. today i will write about one of the lines from the movie that really stuck with me. right before ron decides to take the hike, chris says something to him: You should make a radical change in your lifestyle. I mean the core of man's spirit comes from new experiences, and there you are stubborn old man, sitting on your butt!!

It made me think of all the scary new experiences in my life and how i wouldnt be who i am today if i hadnt been brave enough to face them. this film is truly an inspiration. makes me grateful, hopeful, motivated, at ease.

why didnt anyone yell at me for having not seen it before!!!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

after a while

i immediately had to stop what i was doing in order to write this down. it was like i stepped out of my body and looked back at me and my surroundings. when i caught myself frowning, thats when i grabbed the laptop and began this silly entry.

people say that everything's been done before. i truly believe it. now, sometimes i even surprise myself at what i do and how i do it. bizzare person i am sometimes.

its 9 am on a saturday morning. i havent gone to bed, for i woke up at 4 pm yesterday. i tried to go to sleep earlier (i put on some gershwin songs to calm me down and meditate), but i was too restless and my mind was preoccupied. after i gave up on the sleeping i got up and saw how much i really needed a manicure. i got up, looked for a bowl to soak my hands in but couldnt find one. i figured the sink in the bathroom would work. im glad i know myself and how a.d.d. i am and so i decided to watch six feet under on the laptop while i soaked my hands and continue on to giving myself the much needed manicure. 30 minutes have passed since the show started and im still sitting on chair in front of the sink staring at the laptop which is placed on a different chair infront of me. its 30 degrees outside and somehow all the windows are open, im smoking a cigarette, my hair is done (im going to work in 2 hours), and yet im still in my pjs. does this sound strange to you? cus it does to me. maybe i need to sleep now. too late. now back to six feet under.

Monday, February 16, 2009


now that i think about it, next week marks my four months in new york city. people are probably thinking "ok we get it, you moved!" but listen: this is a super huge deal to me. ever since i was little i wanted to move here, and i finally did it. i am so happy i finally get to live in a place where i wake up happy to see what the world holds out there, where the people are inspiring and innovating, where i feel at home. its crazy, but i love it! and i hope that whatever city you live in, you find that too.

work has been fantastically lucrative this past few days. people are enjoying themselves and tipping more (frankly, they need to be drunk to enjoy Mamma Mia!) sometimes i feel bad for the actors that have to perform that show 8 times a week. but then, i think about how lucky they are to even be in a show, and then i smile. (and go back to feeling bad for them, because its MAMMA MIA!)

The oscars are this sunday and i have my final predictions. I didnt do that well on the golden globes but hey, not even Kate Winslet saw her second award coming. so taking all the other awards into consideration i have made my final (and not so happy) predictions:

Best Picture

I think im one of the two people that didnt jump on the slumdog wagon. I liked the film. It definitely has a "best picture" feeling, but it was not per say, the "best picture" of the year. people need to feel good about themselves and love a sappy story. The end. Benjamin button on the other hand is a more ambitious project: better screenplay, acting, (mo' money) and its about 3 hours! give it the oscar! Milk and Frost/Nixon are amazing and enjoyed both very much, but the academy likes to give the best pic win to the "bigger" movies. The Reader has been my favorite this year and personally the one i enjoyed the most.

Should Win: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Will Win: Slumdog Millionaire

moving on

Best Actor

Again, i have no idea if im just antagonistic or what, but i did not care for mickey's "glorious" performance. i dont even have the energy to express how blah i found this movie. i liked him and marissa. i didnt care for the story, the dialogue was mediocre, evan rachel wood was lame as usual. so no, no, no. I want sean penn to get it. is it cus im gay and i loved milk? i dont think so. everybody thought bill murray was going to get it back when he was nominated for that horrible movie that is lost in translation but who got it? sean penn. and people got over it. this is seans oscar numero 2. if the academy decided to surprise me and give it to frank langella i will be so sooooo happy, but i doubt it. and brad is adorable as an old man/child. richard jenkins i admire a lot but sorry, the movie isnt even showing in new york. come on. OH and may i say how leo was snubbed. yes. snubbed. im still angry.

Should win: Sean Penn, Milk.

Will Win: Sean Penn, Milk.

Best Actress

I could not tell you how much i enjoyed every single performance given by the ladies nominated in this category. truthful, graceful, moving. Meryl is a goddess. angie, melissa, anne, were fantastic. Kate was AMAZING. again, the reader was my fav this year and although everybody thought she was gonna get the supporting actress nom, the academy thought ahead of us. SHE is the movie, shes not a supporting character. yes its through the eyes of michael but she is in 90 percent of the film. loved it loved it loved it. oscar time for kate and well deserved.

Should Win: Kate Winslet, The Reader

Will Win: Kate Winslet, The Reader

Best Supporting Actor

heath ledger.

the other guys should stay at home. josh brolin, i love you. phil hoffman, incredible performance AS USUAL. Michael Shannon: i wish it wasnt heaths year because i wouldve given you the oscar myself. and downey jr: ill see you next year for the soloist.

SHOULD and WILL win: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight

Best Supporting Actress

This category is really tough to predict. Last year, Ms Swinton stole it right under Amy Ryan's amazing performance in Gone Baby, Gone. But Penelope Cruz as Maria Elena is definitely a scene stealer in vicky cristina barcelona and has been getting the most buzz (got the bafta and most critic awards.) I honestly wont be upset if any of the other actresses get it. but i dont see amy or marissa getting it. its either viola or taraji for sure to be the upset.

Should Win: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Will win: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Best Director

This is where i agree with everybody about slumdog. Danny Boyle's direction for this film is beautiful and powerful. to have this budget and actors and come out with this film is short of a miracle. you win sir. Stephen Daldry is one of my directing heroes but ill see him win at the tonys this year for Billy Elliot the musical.

Should Win: Danny Boyle
Will Win: Danny Boyle

Lets see what happens folks. if i get all these right i will win the oscar for my performance in "I need a life"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new year

This is my first blog ever! I am 24 and have never had one of these and im kind of excited. I spend a lot more time alone now that i live in NYC so it fits that i have another way of venting when i cant call my friends. This will be fun.

First things first: Happy new year! I hope everyone had an awesome new years eve/day and i can only hope that 2009 will be as incredible as 2008 was. youre thinking what? 08 sucked! and yes, in some ways it did. But i got to experience some of the most amazing things last year:

1. My bday at the ghost bar with the greatest people in the world. what a fun night!
2. Took a 5 day vacation to NYC and saw 5 shows!
3. Met great people including my Nikki.
4. Moved to NYC
5. Obama.

and now back to 09:

is anyone as excited as i am about all the amazing films that are out in theatres? The golden globes are this sunday so make sure you dont text me or call me because im dvr-ing it for i will be at mamma mia for a portion of the show. but ive seen most of the films nominated and here are my predictions. i hope im right.

Best Picture Drama- Slumdog Millionaire
Best Picture Comedy or Musical- Mamma Mia!
Best Actor Drama- Sean Penn- Milk
Best Actress Drama- Anne Hathaway- Rachel Getting Married
Best Actor Comedy Musical- Dustin Hoffman- Last Chance Harvey
Best Actress Comedy Musical - Sally Hawkins- Happy-Go-Lucky
Best Supporting Actor- Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight
Best Supporting Actor- Kate Winslet- The Reader

We'll see what happens

My only resolution for this year is to read more. Period. Ive already read two books since i moved here 2 months ago and i love it! I read Rant by Chuck Palahniuk, and The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. Both very different and incredibly entertaining.
I am reading The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett now and i cant tell how much fun im having reading the hell out the book. its an amazing epic story and im loving every second of it. so check them out!

i think this is all for now. and just a reminder: my blog is called nyc word vomit. i will hold nothing in my future blogs.
