Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new year

This is my first blog ever! I am 24 and have never had one of these and im kind of excited. I spend a lot more time alone now that i live in NYC so it fits that i have another way of venting when i cant call my friends. This will be fun.

First things first: Happy new year! I hope everyone had an awesome new years eve/day and i can only hope that 2009 will be as incredible as 2008 was. youre thinking what? 08 sucked! and yes, in some ways it did. But i got to experience some of the most amazing things last year:

1. My bday at the ghost bar with the greatest people in the world. what a fun night!
2. Took a 5 day vacation to NYC and saw 5 shows!
3. Met great people including my Nikki.
4. Moved to NYC
5. Obama.

and now back to 09:

is anyone as excited as i am about all the amazing films that are out in theatres? The golden globes are this sunday so make sure you dont text me or call me because im dvr-ing it for i will be at mamma mia for a portion of the show. but ive seen most of the films nominated and here are my predictions. i hope im right.

Best Picture Drama- Slumdog Millionaire
Best Picture Comedy or Musical- Mamma Mia!
Best Actor Drama- Sean Penn- Milk
Best Actress Drama- Anne Hathaway- Rachel Getting Married
Best Actor Comedy Musical- Dustin Hoffman- Last Chance Harvey
Best Actress Comedy Musical - Sally Hawkins- Happy-Go-Lucky
Best Supporting Actor- Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight
Best Supporting Actor- Kate Winslet- The Reader

We'll see what happens

My only resolution for this year is to read more. Period. Ive already read two books since i moved here 2 months ago and i love it! I read Rant by Chuck Palahniuk, and The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. Both very different and incredibly entertaining.
I am reading The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett now and i cant tell how much fun im having reading the hell out the book. its an amazing epic story and im loving every second of it. so check them out!

i think this is all for now. and just a reminder: my blog is called nyc word vomit. i will hold nothing in my future blogs.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you've joined the blogging world. I'm glad to know what's going on for you!
