Saturday, February 28, 2009

after a while

i immediately had to stop what i was doing in order to write this down. it was like i stepped out of my body and looked back at me and my surroundings. when i caught myself frowning, thats when i grabbed the laptop and began this silly entry.

people say that everything's been done before. i truly believe it. now, sometimes i even surprise myself at what i do and how i do it. bizzare person i am sometimes.

its 9 am on a saturday morning. i havent gone to bed, for i woke up at 4 pm yesterday. i tried to go to sleep earlier (i put on some gershwin songs to calm me down and meditate), but i was too restless and my mind was preoccupied. after i gave up on the sleeping i got up and saw how much i really needed a manicure. i got up, looked for a bowl to soak my hands in but couldnt find one. i figured the sink in the bathroom would work. im glad i know myself and how a.d.d. i am and so i decided to watch six feet under on the laptop while i soaked my hands and continue on to giving myself the much needed manicure. 30 minutes have passed since the show started and im still sitting on chair in front of the sink staring at the laptop which is placed on a different chair infront of me. its 30 degrees outside and somehow all the windows are open, im smoking a cigarette, my hair is done (im going to work in 2 hours), and yet im still in my pjs. does this sound strange to you? cus it does to me. maybe i need to sleep now. too late. now back to six feet under.

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