Monday, May 11, 2009

bway show reviews/central park jogging/losing weight/being set up

notice how the title line tells you what im going to write about. you would think that i do this for you, the readers, but i actually do it more so for myself otherwise i would forget why i started writing the blog in the first place. so, with that said, lets begin.

Over the last few weeks ive had the pleasure of seeing a couple of shows on broadway. Mamma Mia! is no longer having a tuesday night show, so im able to go to the other houses that TRC works with and with the help of my manager i can go and work those shows and see them for free! West Side Story was not one of these cases but it is the first one that i saw since i was last on here. I really enjoyed this production. Going in, i knew what i had to look for: The Dancing. This choreography was genious in its original production and in the film so it only made sense that they would honor it in the productions revival. Karen Olivo was truly a joy to see. The other leading actors were outstanding and completely delivered this american classic.

After that, i went to go see Exit the King at the Barrymore Theatre. I was not familiar with the play but i was familiar with the playwright and i got to say this script was one of his most realistic and poetic scripts and stories. Geoffrey Rush is to die for in this show. He absolutely embodies this lunatic of a king and delivers a tour de force performance. from beginning to end, the entire cast manages to keep you on the edge of your seat even though you already know what is going to happen at the end, the king will die. Susan Sarandon is beautiful and poised. I was very impressed with Lauren Ambrose, i hadnt seen her since six feet under and she was marvelous. Andrea Martin was hilarious!!!! so great!!

Now the real kicker is at the Imperial theatre, where Billy Elliot: The Musical is playing. This show is out of this world. The Acting, The singing, The songs, the dancing, the sets, lighting, ETC. this show will be on bway for ever! its unbelievable. must see. i have to say its in the top 5 shows ive seen on bway.

then last week i saw Blithe Spirit at the Shubert Theatre. the show is of course hilarious and classic but what i really wanted to see was the legend that is Angela Lansbury. This 4 tony award winning actress is an angel. only 80-something years young, this true thespian delivers spot on every joke, every look, every move that Madame Arcati is supposed to bring to the show. A true honor to see her. A class act too, Ms. Lansbury didnt couldnt come out to the stage door for it was raining, but she left signed playbills for us true fans who waited. Christine Ebersole was beautiful and also hilarious. Rupert was fantastic and he did come to sign my playbill. so nice and humble. loved it.

Tomorrow i am going to see Next To Normal, a new musical at the Booth Theatre. Im really excited to see what everyones been talking about.

The last few weeks ive also gone jogging in central park in the afternoons once or twice a week. i love the way i feel afterwards and i have noticed the small amount of weight ive lost already.. its not much but i hope that by the end of the summer i will be uber fit and within my ideal weight.

I also went to see Star Trek with Jaron and Yil (who wants to set me up with his friend Michael who lives in LA) The movie was fantastic. so entertaining and funny. i loved it! it went by fast and it made me feel all nerdy inside.

in the next blog i will talk about what i thought about next to normal and hair, which i will see with my friends Brittini and Robbie next week. i love this city.